To search for swaps, check out the categories to the right.
The 'current swaps' category shows all swaps with open sign-ups.

Please note the swaps listed are NOT hosted by the SwapDex. Visit each host's site by clicking the underlined link within each post to view further information and sign up.

Please alert me to any new swaps to list or any misinformation regarding a listing!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


And with that last swap posted, I have exhausted my backlog of swaps to post. I am now to the updating stage instead of the indexing giant list of swaps stage. I hope to keep you all on top of the most current swaps so that no one will miss a sign-up date! (shameless plug) And if you get bored waiting for new swaps, you can check out my blog, CorgiPants, for crafty goodness. ( end shameless plug)

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