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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

September Inchies Swap

September Inchies Swap-circles themed
Sign-up date: September 30, 2007
Swap date: September 30, 2007

An inchies swap with a "circles" theme. Send 8 inchies along with a Stamped Addressed enveloped (and a little extra if you're outside the uk) and you'll get 8 varied inchies back. I've not tried an inchies swap yet because, well, like ATCs I'm just not sure what people do with them other then collect them. But they sound fun!


Unknown said...

thank you for adding my swap to your swap dex.

the 9 for 8 bit makes it sound as though you are not getting the same amount back. it's actually an 8 for 8 as although people make 9 inchies they only send me 8, this way they get to keep one of their own.

I have gone for the number 9 as a total as they mount nicely on a 4x4 mount.

as for what you do with them, just collect them, they don't take up much room.

if anyone needs any questions answered just contact me through my blog.

The swap is open to all.

Unknown said...

...also I run the swap monthly, with a different theme each month, so keep checking for new swaps.

Jenna Z said...

Oooh, thanks for clearing that up, Joanne! I've fixed it in the post. Sometimes hostesses do opt to keep one of each person's items for themselves so I thought that was what was going on. Thanks for clarifying!