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The 'current swaps' category shows all swaps with open sign-ups.

Please note the swaps listed are NOT hosted by the SwapDex. Visit each host's site by clicking the underlined link within each post to view further information and sign up.

Please alert me to any new swaps to list or any misinformation regarding a listing!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Site update!

Some of you have already noticed a little pick-me-up here at SwapDex and those that read my personal blog, CorgiPants, will recognize this. Yes, I am too lazy to create an all new template so it's just CorgiPants in pink! But I kinda think it looks nice. If you see anything out of place or missing, please let me know because I am by no means a blog template expert!

Another new addition is our newest sponsor, Creative Neurosis. The purveyor of this lovely Etsy shop shares a character trait with me: the NEED to create! And she creates super cute sewn items like tissue cozies, curtains and valances. Go see, here are my two favorites.

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